ZEDS DEAD x OMAR LINX | FREE DOWNLOAD!DubEra LLCMar 19, 2012O MAN!!! ITS FINALLY HERE!!!! I’m like a giddy school girl right now. Omar is an ultra smooth MC and…. well, Zeds Dead needs no description. Jam this thing front to back and download it right now! src: hypetrak.com#victormixtape #omarlinx2012 #duberacomblog #newomarlinx #dubera #zedsdeadandomarlinxmixtape #zedsdead2012 #newmusic #newzedsdead
O MAN!!! ITS FINALLY HERE!!!! I’m like a giddy school girl right now. Omar is an ultra smooth MC and…. well, Zeds Dead needs no description. Jam this thing front to back and download it right now! src: hypetrak.com#victormixtape #omarlinx2012 #duberacomblog #newomarlinx #dubera #zedsdeadandomarlinxmixtape #zedsdead2012 #newmusic #newzedsdead