I gotta be dead honest with you guys… sometimes I hust hate blogging about this shit. This is one of those prime examples. Holy Ship! announces a lineup that is more interesting than EDC and it’s on a boat and there’s two private islands all these people are gonna party at too. Serious FOMO moments when I blog about stuff like this.
Do you think I want to imagine Disclosure DJing at 3 in the morning on a cruise ship? Do you think I wanna pretend like I’m gonna see Claude von Stroke and Justin Martin go b2b on a private island? You really think I enjoy simulating what 4 days out at sea are like with an all-star electronic music lineup that spans from Shlohmo to Gramatik to Boys Noize to Duck Sauce to fucking Pharrell Williams hangin’ out just cus? The answer is kinda… I really kind of do enjoy it. Cheers to you if you land on the ship, and here’s to hoping we do too!