As we expected, Suwannee Hulaween was out of this world! The music, the pimped out venue, the people, and especially the costumes were right on point. Although, I know there had to of been so many more amazing costumes that I didn’t get a chance to see, here are some of my favorites from the weekend:
1. Voodoo Children

The Suwannee Hulaween voodoo theme was in full force this weekend.
2. Batgirl(s)

I can’t think of anything cooler than a couple of hot bat chicks creepin’ it real in the Suwannee.
3. Terrance & Phillip from South Park

South Park. ‘Nuff said.
4. Bedazzled String Cheese Spaceman

Naturally, the silver bedazzled SCI blazer caught my eye first, then I noticed the neon green space pants and I was sold.
5. Headdress Tribe

Not only was STS9 in the house Saturday night, but FSU was set to kick off against UM right around the same time that Tribe was getting us warmed up. Appropriately enough, there were headdresses everywhere.
6. Squirrel Squad

Everything about this is just hilarious, right down to their expressions and the acorns in their hands. I’d really like to know where they found these costumes.
7. The Kang Gang

Between this and the squirrels, these are definitely the most amazing group costumes out there. I mean homeboy’s in a cast for crying out loud…talk about a super trooper.
8. Peacock and Pig?

1) huge peacock tail. 2) blue velvet leotard. Not sure what Mr. Piggy is doing but he looks cool doing it.
9. Emancipated

Not only did Emancipator lay down the dopest set I’ve ever heard them play, they came out in Voodoo style, even if it was two days after Halloween.
10. I’m not even sure what to call this…

Obviously saving the best for last. You know that strange feeling you get after just waking up from a ridiculous dream, and it takes a minute or two to realize that it didn’t actually happen? Well, that’s exactly how I felt waking up Friday morning after Cheese’s second Halloween set, only it wasn’t a dream, it actually happened, and we have these photos to prove it. Cheese came out in these monstrous costumes accompanied by tribal voodoo dancers and completely transformed the stage into a scene from your wildest imagination.
Thanks to Lindsay Tompkins and Rex Thomson for the additional photos.
BONUS: A lot of people thought there were even more awesome costumes at the festival, and we totally agree! Unfortunately, it’s hard to duck through 1,000 people in the middle of SCI’s “Miss Brown’s Tea House” and snap a picture of a dope costume, so we didn’t get all of the incredible creativity you all exercised during Hulaween. However, we are happy to add to this list, so if you think we missed a good one, please leave a photo in the comments!
The Craft Beer Fairy
